Frequently Asked Questions/Frequently Faced Challenges


Q. I don’t have Rs. 10,000./ I don’t have the money to start this eBIZ Business? 

A. Shouldn’t this be your reason to start eBIZ business? If arranging Rs. 10,000 to start this business is really tough for you, then don’t you want to change your financial condition? Do you have any better way to do that than this business?

Be honest, no matter who you are, you have already spent Rs. 10,000 many times & also will spend countless  times, in your life. But I can assure you nothing can give your better return of Rs. 10,000 than eBIZ business. Do you know any other profession where you can start with Rs. 10,000 & earn uptp 2.5 Lakh/week i.e. 1.2 Cr/year ?

See, in case of medical emergencies in our families, we arrange any amount of money to save lives, then why can’t you arrange Rs. 10,000 to build a secure financial future for yourself & family?

If you are still hesitant to start this business with Rs. 10,000, I’ll recommend you to go through this document once again or talk to the person who gave you this. May be you didn’t understand this concept clearly.

Q. I am very busy. I don’t have time to do this business.

 A. I can understand. But do you really want to be this busy for your entire life? Don’t you want to build your own pipeline, where you can keep earning even if you stop working? Don’t you wish to spend more time with yourself, with your friends & family, doing what you love? If you want, then can’t you manage 2-3 hours/day for coming 3-5 years, when you know that can give your 2.5 Lakh/week, free time & many other benefits? If you don’t even have this 2-3 hours/day now, then ask yourself honestly – is it really worth doing what you are currently doing? If you can understand that eBIZ can give you the exact life you want, I know you can manage time for it anyhow.

Q. I don’t know much people with whom I can share about the business.

 A. You can share about this business concept to anybody who is 18+ and passed 10th standard. This business is so simple that anyone can learn, do & be successful. Don’t prejudge anyone that this person is too good/bad for this business. You don’t know what that person really wants in his life. Share and then let him decide whether this business is right for him.

Like you, most of the successful Network Marketers didn’t know many people when they started. But they learned, as you will also be trained – how to meet new people, make new friends & share your opportunity with them. Not only you would know unlimited number of people to share your eBIZ business with, but also your life will change by knowing more & more people & making great friends.

Q. I don’t like convincing/requesting/selling people.

 A. Like you, 99.99% of Network Marketers don’t like convincing/requesting/selling people. That’s why Network Marketing is the best profession for you and them. I’d recommend you to go back to the business plan again and see that you don’t have to convince/request/sell anyone, what you have to do is to just share about this business concept, like you share anything & everything you like. Also you don’t want just anyone to join your team, you should find out and select only those people who have big dreams, learning attitude & who are willing to work hard until they succeed. Don’t forget that YOU will be giving people opportunity, then why should you request? Have you ever seen any company or govt. requesting any job applicant to take the job?

Q. eBIZ courses aren’t certified.

A. What do you really want? If you want to learn computer, you can definitely use Advance eBIZ Educational package. If you are looking for certificate so that you can get a job, then why don’t you rather take eBIZ Business as a career? But still, if you are looking for a certificated course to get a job, then please look elsewhere, eBIZ is not for you.
But just remember, quality certified courses are much costlier, but still doesn’t guarantee your secure future. And most of the centers claiming ‘certified courses’ & ‘job guarantee’ are just misleading people. No good company will recruit you just looking at your certificate. And do check the background & salary of the faculties of these institutes.

Q. I or someone I know joined eBIZ/ something like this earlier but didn’t succeed.

 A. See like any industry, in Network Marketing, there are many companies which are not as good as eBIZ or other top Network Marketing companies. As you don’t judge Dove soap, just because you didn’t like Nima Rose or you don’t judge Samsung mobile, just because your China handset got damaged soon; you shouldn’t judge eBIZ or Network Marketing industry by your (or someone’s) past experience with just any other company.  Even many people who are associated with eBIZ or good Network Marketing companies, fails to succeed in this business. Because of many reasons:

  • Not being properly trained.
  • Not following a proper step by step duplicable system.
  • Giving up too soon. Most successful leaders of this profession stayed with it for more than 10 years. But most who fail, gave up within first 5 years.
  • Not having the self-discipline to work regularly at home, when no boss was supervising.
  • Being discouraged too easily because of rejection by family, friends.
  • Being affected by negative people, who either didn’t know anything about this profession or failed for these reasons. …many more reasons.

If you are willing to succeed, you’ll have proper guidance this time our team- that’s for sure.

Q. Is the company/Network Marketing legal? What if the company get closed?

A. As I told you before, Network Marketing is not only legal, but also much better marketing system that traditional methods of advertising. Regarding legality of eBIZ:

  • Pvt. Ltd. (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) was incorporated on 8th June 2001 vide certificate of Incorporation No u72200DL2001PTC111183 under the Companies Act, 1956 (No-1 of 1956). You can crosscheck it by any lawyer.
  • eBIZ is paying taxes for every transactions. When anyone is buying Advance eBIZ Educational Package, company is paying service tax & when any associate is earning commission, TDS is getting deducted. Everything is white.
  • Did you find anything illegal? You are earning for the advertisement effort by yourself & your team. Company is paying a % of sales to its associates.
  • No false promises. Many schemes pretend to be Network Marketing & badmouth this wonderful profession. They claim: “You don’t have to work. Join today, make some people join and you’ll be rich”. Did we promise anything like that? On the contrary, in eBIZ you have to work hard to build your Network & promote this mission to be rich. If the truth is better than the traditional career of studying for 25 years and working for 40 years – 8 hours/day, then what is the need to lie?
  • eBIZ has successfully completed 12 years. You can check its <a< span=””> href=”″ target=”_blank”>official Facebook Page  so many real people with different respected background are associated with it.
  • For more information check eBIZ LEGALS. Very few company give this much clear info on website.

Q. I want to discuss this business with my wife/husband/parents/ friends/family… before starting.

A. This is the biggest mistake people make which ends their Network Marketing career even before starting. Most probably, the person(s) you want to discuss with, don’t have any idea about Network Marketing or worse have some wrong idea about it. If you try to discuss this business with them now, you won’t be able to give them right information, as you yourself haven’t started & are not trained. 99% probability that they’ll discourage you. Even if you can win over their discouragement & join eBIZ, get proper training and then approach them rightly about this business, they’ll feel uncomfortable to join, even if they understand the concept now – as they themselves discouraged your earlier for the  same. It’s human psychology not to admit that they were wrong, even when they understand it in their heart.

So I’d recommend you to first join yourself, take training & make a commitment. Then request any eBIZ associates (preferably who gave you this document) to present this business opportunity to your wife/husband/parents/ friends/family…  then you can do this business starting with a team of people close to you.

Q. I am not interested.

A. It’s absolutely fine. Your life, your choice. No one will force/request you to do eBIZ. As you have seen, it’s a business of finding out those who are looking for some opportunity.

But, if you don’t mind, I’d love to ask you something – What aren’t you interested in? Earning more than you current income? Spending more time with yourself or family? Getting love-respect-recognition ? Developing yourself in every manner? Living a peaceful life?

As you or anyone can tell by common sense, there is very few rational human beings who are not interested in getting one (or all) of these benefits. I can tell you by my experience, whenever someone said “Not interested”, actual reason was something else. Either they couldn’t understand the concept, or had some misconception, or been afraid to do something new, or got influenced by someone else’s negativity. If your reason is also similar, I’d recommend you to contact the person who gave you this document and discuss about your concern openly.

If you are really not interested to do this business, you can also become a consumer buying the course package to learn computer. If you don’t want even that, you can freely return this brochure to the person who gave it to you. Nobody would mind.

Q. I don’t think I can do it/ Can I do it? I am not good enough …

A. May be Network Marketing is the only profession where the question is not “whether you CAN do it or not”, rather the questions is “Whether you WILL do it or not”.  Only requirement for succeeding in this profession is having some dreams, learning attitude & willingness to work hard. Everything else you’ll be taught here. Remember, every successful Network Marketers were once a beginner like you. But they gradually developed themselves to be what they are today. You’ll get tremendous support by your uplines (people who are above you in eBIZ Network) to learn every necessary skills. Most important thing you’ll learn in eBIZ is – how powerful you are & what you can do. eBIZ is all about discovering your true self.

Q. I need to think about it for some days. / I’ll join after some days/weeks/months/years.

A. By more than 6 years of experience in this industry I can tell you, if you don’t join NOW, may be you won’t ever be ready to join. Have you heard about Law of Diminishing Intent ? It says: the longer you wait to implement an idea, the less enthusiasm you will have for it. So if you liked the idea of eBIZ Business/ Network Marketing then Just Do It. Only this moment is in your control not tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.

Tell me something, what do you want to think about? Are you putting your life at risk or betting your fortune by investing lakhs or crores of Rupees in this business? You are starting a business with so many exclusive benefits just at Rs. 10,000 & you still want to think??? As a rational person, I’ll expect you to choose between following 3 options:

  1. YES: If you are ready to start this business, just pick up the phone and call the person who gave you this document. Thank him/her for introducing you to this concept. Fix tomorrow’s time when you are planning to go to which bank to make the DD & also request time for your Basic Training session.
  2. NEED MORE INFO: I tried to give as much information as possible in this brochure. But still if you have any query or need more info, feel free to contact the person who gave you this document. If you want to attend the presentation again, ask for whether there are any Home Meetings or Seminars scheduled in your local area.
  3. NO: It’s absolutely fine to say ‘No’. As I have already stated, this is a business of finding the right person who are looking for some opportunity to improve their lives. Please understand, that the person who gave you this document, doesn’t expect anything . He/she loved it. And now he/she is just sharing & looking for the right people. If you didn’t like it, let him/her know clearly. That won’t affect your relation with the corresponding person. Even if you don’t do eBIZ, eBIZers will give your best wishes to live your best life.

If you liked the concept & willing to start, final decision is upto the person who gave you this document. As he/she is building his/her team. Probably he/she will take a short interview to decide whether you are fit for this business. Feel free to let them know how much excited you are & ask for their assistance.

Finally if you start this business, my best wishes for a new beginning of your life.


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